Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Church Camp 2010

Just came back from a rewarding church camp up and Mt Tamborine. I was asked to take photos for camp and was very nervous getting into it. To prepare I:
1. Studied to program
2. Borrowed a friend's 24-105 f4L IS USM lens
3. Read up on how to take photos at low light
4. set my camera to strong ISO noise reduction
5. Set to take RAW

In the end I took 1600+ photos!! Post processing would be fun!

Anyway, I'm tossing between getting a new lens. It's 17-55mm f2.8 IS USM vs. 24-70mm f2.8L USM at the moment and am coming down to this...

Canon 17-55MM f2.8 IS USM
Pro: Clarity and wide angle
Con; Build quality and potential dust sucking

Canon 25-70mm f2.8L USM
Pro: Clarity and build quality
Con: no as wide angle and no IS

Will borrow from a friend the 17-55 and probably rent the 24-70 to compare and try before I decide.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

First blog entry

I thought I'd start this blog by posting up my current love of my life (besides my wife of course). I want to start this blog and keep this as a journal more for myself on my photography journey and personal notes-to-self stuff so I can remember them! I'm getting old and my little brain can't keep up!
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