Well, I've done 227/1000+ so far and have taken a lot more other photos since then. Will keep on chipping away. It's rewarding though to see that not all my photos are that bad. Learnt quite a bit from this experience as well.
So far I can't say that I've stabilized by post processing workflow. I can't seem to get the right mix. Sometimes I go for a more contrast feel and at other times I don't and the photos look less rich. I can't get a consistency I want on all my processes photos. As Ben says "that's my style", I find that my "style" is not fixed yet.
I've also managed to borrow Dan's 17-55mm f2.8 IS USM. It's great! Faster focusing and the images are sharp as ever! My success rate at taking Mikaela in action has greatly improved. So tempted to buy it :( Can't afford it at the moment. Will have to extend my loan period with Dan.
Another thing I learnt recently, still trying to perfect it, and that is flash indoors. Especially in a restaurant table environment. I kind of picked it up from Steve as he used my camera during camp when his batts ran out. Combo is something around lowering the exposure by 1-2 stops in AV mode and setting flash exposure from +0-1 stops. Also important to set slow sync on, that is for flash to go off at second curtain. This would stop trailing. Will post up an example soon.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
CCCB Church Camp Post Processing
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Re Flash: Another thing to consider is the ceiling. I used the method suggested because the ceiling at Church Camp was both far too high and bouncing off it near impossible. But, say, at dinner in the Dining Hall I was freer to move into Manual Mode, f4, 1/160 ISO400, Flash bouncing off the ceiling.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip. I didn't realised someone had posted a comment til now!